Your Parish Council
Widmerpool Parish Council consists of up to seven members who represent a cross-section of the community.
Full council meetings are usually held every two months in the Keyworth Rugby Club pavilion, Willoughby Road, Widmerpool. A typical Parish Council meeting follows a published agenda which covers such items as Highway matters, Planning matters and Correspondence.
The minutes of each meeting are posted on the Agenda and Minutes page of this website and are approved by the Parish Council at the following meeting. These will give you a more detailed insight into the business that is transacted at the meetings.
As a resident of the village, you are encouraged to observe the proceedings and voice your opinions. Meetings are fairly informal but the Parish Clerk is present to ensure that the correct procedure is followed.
What can I expect from my Parish Council?
Your elected Councillors are here to make a difference! The Councillors serving the Parish of Widmerpool are elected/co-opted to serve the local community for four years.
Vitally, your local council makes a difference by making your views known to other bodies and councils, for example when being consulted about planning issues or changes in services.
Can the Parish Council help?
The Clerk and Councillors can provide a wide range of advice. If they are not able to deal with your enquiry personally, they can often help you to find the right organisation to deal with your problem or queries.
Did you know that the Parish Council can give grants to a wide range of local organisations and individuals?
Should I get involved?
Most people care about where they live, the quality of the local environment and the small things that are taken for granted but are important for a balanced, high quality lifestyle.
Getting involved helps your local council to know what you feel and need. Better still, getting involved adds your skills and know how to the Parish Team effort.
Local democracy is a two way affair. A good Council will hope you take an interest and ask questions about the things that matter most. It’s helpful to attend council meetings - good councils have a ‘public participation’ item on the agenda. Widmerpool Parish Council welcomes your contribution.
If you like being involved in community issues then why not consider being an elected Councillor - joining the decision-making team. Parish Council elections happen every four years. No formal qualifications are needed but there are rules to satisfy if you are to be a Councillor.
How much time will it take?
All Councils must meet at least four times per year. Widmerpool Parish Council meets formally once every other month, but can meet in between as business requires.