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Widmerpool Parish Council

Council Meetings

Widmerpool Parish Council meetings are usually held every other month in the Rugby Club Pavilion, Willoughby Road, Widmerpool NG12 5PU.

In 2025 parish council meetings will be held on the following days:

  • 24 March
  • 19 May including Annual Parish Meeting
  • 14 July
  • 22 September
  • 17 November

Residents may observe the meetings and details how to do so are shown on the Agenda, which is posted on the Agendas and Minutes page at least five days before the date of the meeting. At the council’s discretion parishioners may be invited to take part in the meetings.

Meeting dates are subject to change, according to the national situation.

Annual Meetings

Once a year we hold our Annual Parish Meeting. This is a public meeting (i.e. not subject to the constraints of a normal Parish Council Meeting) at which residents may raise any matters that affect the community.

The Annual Parish Council Meeting at which the Parish Council officers (i.e. chair and vice-chair) are elected will be held at the start of the following Parish Council Meeting.
