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Widmerpool Parish Council

Rushcliffe Memorial Grant Fund

Added on 05 December 2021

Rushcliffe Borough Council logoRushcliffe Borough Council have launched the Covid-19 Memorial Grant Fund to support parish councils in creating public memorials to commemorate the impact of Covid-19 on communities in the Borough.

The scheme aims to support the creation of memorials that are fitting for their communities and therefore there is no formal template to follow. Example ideas include memorial planting schemes, plaques, public art or benches. The memorial should be publicly accessible and not on private land (such as a school or a members only-club).

Parish councils have been encouraged by the Borough to engage the local community in the planning of the memorials and build-in sustainable plans for the on-going maintenance of the memorial.

The maximum grant from the Borough will be £500 with parishes expected to provide match funding from their own reserves.

If any resident has a suggestion as to a memorial please contact the parish clerk Mike Elliott.

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